In 1985 Shihan Kiyoshi Takeuchi started Karate at the Saitama branch of the International Karate Organization Kyokushinkaikan (Now called as the headquarters of Kyokushin Karatedo Renmei, Kyokushin-Kan International). He learned Karate directly from Kancho Royama as well as senior students who were eventually going to be Shihans at Kyokushin. Shihan Takeuchi has acquired a Karate black belt at Kyokushin. He has also obtained a Judo black belt at Kodokan and the first dan of Battodo at the headquarter of the International Battodo Federation, Nakamura Ryu Battodo. In 2005 he was appointed Shihan by Fuji Ryu Taijutsu Butoku-Kai. In 2007 he came to New York by himself to disperse Fuji Ryu Taijutsu throughout the United States and European Countries. He has established the U.S. Branch of Fuji Ryu Taijutsu in New York. He has been traveling for seminars and demonstrations in Myanmar, Thailand, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kuwait, France, Ireland, Hungary, Slovakia and Dallas, New York, Boston, Colorado, Oklahoma, Houston, New Hampshire, New Jersey and Connecticut in the United States. In 2011 he finally made a return to Japan after being abroad for 4 years. There, he has jointed Hiko Ryu Taijutsu, which is founded by his Sensei, Grand Master Tanaka. Then, he has come back to New York and has started to disperse Hiko Ryu Taijutsu. He is the fifth dan Renshi of Hiko Ryu Taijutsu black belt, the highest rank of black belt that Grand Master Tanaka has given for Hiko-Ryu and Fuji-Ryu students.

1985年、国際空手道連盟極真会館埼玉支部(現・極真空手道連盟極真館総本部道場)に入門。盧山館長を始め、後に師範となる諸先輩方から薫陶を受け、黒帯を取得する。講道館にて柔道の黒帯取得。国際抜刀道連盟中村流抜刀道本部道場にて初段、ワシントン道場にて弐段取得。2005年、不二流体術武徳会より、師範に任命される。2007年、日本独自の古武道である不二流体術をアメリカやヨーロッパに普及するため単身渡米、ニューヨークにアメリカ支部を開設。これまで、ミャンマー、アフガニスタン、パキスタン、クウェート、タイ、フランス、アイルランド、ハンガリー、スロバキア、ダラス、ニューヨーク、ボストン、コロラド、オクラホマ、ヒューストン、ニューハンプシャー、ニュージャージーやコネチカットにて、演武やセミナーを開催する。2011年、4年ぶりの帰国と共に、師である田中宗師が創始した日子流体術に合流。日子流体術 錬士五段、師範。